- Curso 1: Coach de empresas de alto rendimiento
¿Cómo mejoramos frente a la complejidad? Atul Gawande ha estudiado esta pregunta con la precisión...
Free - Curso 2: Proceso de Coaching Empresarial de Alto Crecimiento ¿Quién dice que el cambio tiene que ser difícil? Jims Hemerling, experto en cambios...
Free - Kurs 1 – High Growth Enterprise Coach
Einleitung: Wie können wir uns angesichts der Komplexität verbessern? Atul Gawande hat diese Frage mit...
Free - LJ 1: The High Growth Enteprise Coach
How do we improve in the face of complexity? Atul Gawande has studied this question...
Free - LJ 2: High Growth Coaching Process Who says change needs to be hard? Organizational change expert Jim Hemerling thinks...
Free - LJ 3: Personal Effectiveness, Development and Ethical Practice
This Learning Journey is about the need for High Growth Enterprise Coaches to invest in...
Free - LJ 4: Client Relationship, Evaluation, Professional Networking
How good are you with money? What about reading people’s emotions? How healthy are you,...
Free - LJ 5: Goal Setting, Knowledge Transfer, Action Planning, Coaching Resources Our leaders and institutions are failing us, but it’s not always because they’re bad...
Free - LJ 6: Strategies for Building Rapport, Client Dialogue, Feedback and Active Listening In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, “We are losing...
Free - LJ 7:Techniques for Challenging Clients, Question Strategies, Critical Thinking and Reflection Dissenters are often dismissed as disruptive, disrespectful and annoying. But when it comes to...
Free - LJ 8: Leading and Planning for Growth
What Does Great Leadership Coaching Look Like Leadership coaching is a highly effective way...
Free - LJ 9: Technologies to transform the coaching experience
The aim of this Learning Journey is to introduce High Growth Enterprise Coaches to high...